Ian Radcliffe - WSBI's picture
About the author 

Ian Radcliffe leads WSBI’s Scale2Save programme, a partnership with Mastercard Foundation. The programme falls within WSBI’s overall financial inclusion efforts, which Ian has also led over the past decade. Previously, he delivered financial sector development contracts in more than 75 countries worldwide, acting as programme director for large-scale multilateral, bilateral and private sector-funded programmes and projects. He represents WSBI in its strategic partnership with the World Bank on its UFA 2020 initiative, the UN’s “Better than Cash” Alliance and the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD Development Committee. He was formerly a board member of the European Microfinance Platform. He also worked for National Westminster Bank Plc in the UK and Australia.

He can be reached at ian.radcliffe@wsbi-esbg.org