e-MFP Action Groups (AGs) are an opportunity for members to join forces on specific projects or activities on common areas of interest providing a unique cross-sector forum that enables constructive dialogue and cooperation within the platform. AGs aim to promote knowledge creation and facilitate the exchange of good practices and lessons learned on financial inclusion. In this way, they facilitate synergies and strengthen the work of e-MFP members, ultimately resulting in the provision of better financial and non-financial services for low-income populations in developing countries.
Action Groups are initiated by e-MFP members who are the ones leading the work of these groups. Depending on the topic and scope of the activities, non-members working on the topic can be part of the AG. More generally, the majority of e-MFP Action Groups activities and resources are available to all interested through the e-MFP website.

e-MFP Action Groups and Member-Led Projects evolve over time according to the interest and availability of e-MFP members and, as consequence, some AGs and projects are time-limited. Information on each of the e-MFP AGs/Member Projects can be find below, including those with no planned activities for 2024. These AGs have, however, produced relevant resources in the past and continue to reflect topics of interest for e-MFP members and the financial inclusion sector as a whole.
e-MFP Secretariat will be happy to explore ideas to re-activate or create new AGs/projects, and to promote the work of our members in these areas through blogs, members’ announcements, or events.
If you or your organisation are interested in working on a specific topic or want to propose a new Action Group, please contact Joana Afonso (jafonso@e-mfp.eu).