Better Metrics for Effective Savings AG (2020-2021)

Activity period: 2020 - 2021
To emphasise the relevance of savings metrics and improve savings data collection and analysis, aiming to contribute to better product design by FSPs in order to carefully answer to clients’ needs and preferences, better design of savings programmes by donors/funders, more customer-driven investment decisions by investors, better design of research programmes on savings impact on the well-being of low-income populations, and to inform supervisors and policy makers’ decisions on regulations and financial inclusion policies and strategies.
Mapping savings indicators and actors
Identification of savings indicators already being collected, and the actors involved in the process, as well as indicators that although not being collected, were considered to be relevant by the sector stakeholders.
Research conducted by consultant Nishant Kumar with support of Alexis Nyamura Biringane
Research results included the identification of the main challenges to collect and analyse savings data, and the development of a reference savings taxonomy – a blueprint that can be used by FSPs and other organisations to design a system to collect and categorise savings data adjusted to their objectives and the savings programmes they offer.
Project Report, November 2021
Reference Savings Taxonomy (Excel), November 2021
Reference Savings Taxonomy – Support Manual, November 2021
Measuring Savings Outreach (e-MFP paper), March 2014
Photo: WSBI