Prepared by Davide Castellani, Max Niño-Zarazua, Valeria E. Pujia and Valentina Garofalo in collaboration with the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) ‘From Research to Practice and Back Again’ Action Group, November 2021.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic severely affected many countries worldwide. As a result, the financial inclusion value chain has been exposed to unprecedented challenges and risks, whose effects are likely to be long-lasting. This needs to be analyzed and addressed using a comprehensive perspective.

The e-MFP 'From Research to Practice and Back Again' Action Group conducted a research project seeking to analyze the challenges and risks faced by the financial inclusion value chain actors during the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the point of view of clients, Financial Service Provider (FSPs), investors, policymakers and regulators to identify new arising opportunities and lessons earned to be generally applied to crises with a global reach, such as the climate change issue.

Read Covid-19 and the Financial Inclusion Vaue Chain
