Aug 11, 2017

A special track on “Microfinance” will be included at the FMA 22nd European Conference taking place 13th to 15th June 2018 in Kristiansand, Norway. The Financial Management Association (FMA) is a global leader in developing and disseminating knowledge about financial decision making ( This is the first time a special track on microfinance is included at a FMA conference and is a unique opportunity to disseminate research among top finance scholars.

The general “Call for papers” for the conference has been launched and deadline for submissions is December 1st.

For the special track the conference organisers are looking for papers discussing issues related to the “Banking and Finance of Microfinance” – broadly defined. Only novel and top quality papers with the potential to be published in high ranked finance journals will be accepted.

For more information see the Call for Papers or contact Prof Roy Mersland, University of Agder,

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