Apr 02, 2015

Climate change and poverty reduction are probably the two major challenges of our century. Developing countries, most vulnerable to the threats of climate disruption, are the first impacted by the effects of this phenomenon manifested by natural disasters.

Indeed, climate change is an immediate threat to economic development in poor countries due to the more limited resources available to fight against its effects.

In the context of improving the lives of people in these areas at risk, how to ensure the economic and social prosperity while reducing the ecological footprint? Would the sector of inclusive finance be able to solve this problem, and to provide assistance to people who experience these effects?

The microfinance sector remains often the only alternative to economic development for people in precarious situations or vulnerability. But can this also be sustainable?

The 31st edition of the Midi de la microfinance on 23 April 2015 will be a special occasion to gather major players in the development of green energy and of microfinance, to discuss about the role of inclusive finance in the responsible development:

Runa Khan, founder and executive director of the NGO Friendship Bangladesh, and Carla Palomares, ADA Innovation in Inclusive Finance project manager, will present thier views and share their field experience with the public. The  two speakers will debate with Jérôme Broutin, CFO of GDF SUEZ RASSEMBLEURS D'ENERGIES, initiative launched in 2011 to strengthen and harmonize Group's corporate social responsibility program and promote access to sustainable energy for everyone in developing countries and reduce energy scarcity in Europe.

For more information and registration click here

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