UNCDF - United Nations Capital Development Fund
UNCDF's mission is to reduce poverty in the world's 48 least developed countries (LDCs). Promoting financial inclusion is one of its key strategies for doing so. UNCDF works first and foremost in the LDCs to ensure that more households and small businesses gain access to credit, savings, insurance and other financial services that expand opportunities and reduce vulnerabilities. UNCDF's ability to provide risk capital directly to the private sector is helping bring new financial products to underserved markets and spurring innovations. By ensuring formal financial systems include poor people - with savings, credit, payments, insurance, and remittances - UNCDF helps poor families and small businesses generate income, build assets, invest in opportunities and strengthen resilience to setbacks.
Countries of intervention
Open to all regions
Areas of intervention
Mobile money
Delivery models (group, indiv.)
Financial product development and innovation
Post-conflit/disaster microfiance
Capacity building (focused on all MFIs)
Client protection
Strengthening national/regional microfinance support sector (e.g. credit bureaus, consultants, rating)
Energy products, or other products related to environmental issues
Environmental microfinance
Rural finance
Supporting networks and associations
Non-prodential intervention