Triodos Investment Management
Triodos Investment Management BV is a 100% subsidiary of Triodos Bank, one of the world's leading sustainable banks with branches in The Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Spain and Germany. Triodos Investment Management is a globally recognised leader in impact investing. Our mission is to make money work for positive and sustainable change. More specifically, our aim as an investor is to serve as a catalyst in the transition to an economy where planet and people come first. We are convinced that financial solutions are crucial to successfully addressing many of today's greatest challenges, in the areas of climate change, access to finance, and sustainable development in general. We have developed financial solutions that contribute to finding solutions to these challenges while generating balanced financial returns. We manage direct investments on behalf of private and institutional investors, ranging from sustainable energy infrastructure to microfinance institutions. Our Emerging Markets activities are focused on the further development of inclusive financial services as well as pursuing a broader impact investing agenda, particularly in agriculture and renewable energy.
Innovations in the microfinance program planned for the coming year
We will continue our focus on the further development of inclusive financial services as well as pursuing a broader impact investing agenda, particularly in agriculture and renewable energy.
Countries of intervention
Open to all regions
Areas of intervention
In general, our funds provide finance to financial institutions that demonstrate a sustainable approach toward providing financial services to underserved client groups.
Capital/equity investments
Energy products, or other products related to environmental issues
Environmental microfinance
Value chain development
Supporting networks and associations
Performance (financial, social and environmental)
Impact and performances studies
Financial product development and innovation
Social impact/performance
Rural finance
Client protection