Financial Inclusion & Microfinance in Latin America
9th UMM Workshop Report, Salamanca, May 2013.
The European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) is pleased to present the latest workshop report in the “University Meets Microfinance (UMM) Action Group Series”. This issue focuses on the output of the 9th UMM workshop “Financial Inclusion and Microfinance in Latin America”, held in May 2013 at the Universidad de Salamanca – School of Law. The workshop was a big success. It gathered 64 participants from 14 universities and 11 organisations, including high level expert speakers from Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Fundación CajaMar, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), NODUS Consultores, Pro Mujer, PlaNet Finance as well as students and professors from University of Almería, University of Greenwich, University of Postdam, University of Salamanca and University of Zaragoza.