Webinar: ESG - One Size Fits Nobody
Webinar series organised by the e-MFP's Green Inclusive & Climate Smart Finance Action Group, February 2021.
Since 2009 a number of tools are available for FSPs to support social and/or environmental governance (ESG) implementation. Two of these tools were developed by Enclude (now Palladium):
• for HIVOS: the Green Performance Agenda (GPA, 2015)
• for IFAD: a Climate, Environmental and Social Toolbox (2019)
Both instruments use a multi-tier approach, which means that the level of ESG implementation depends on the context. It is recognized that not all FSPs share the same ambitions in terms of greening, they operate in different markets, with different clients, sectors, partners, and regulation. So while both tools provide (self) assessments and support for an FSP that wants to go "all the way", a user can also decide to go one step at a time, and choose to stay at a basic or intermediate level if at the moment that fits their business model better. Palladium"s Geert Schuite will present both tools in short. Participants are invited to discuss the relevance of such applications in their daily practice.
Speaker: Geert Jan Schuite, Manager - Green Finance Palladium Europe B.V. (formerly Enclude B.V.)
Moderator: Dr.-Ing. Natalia Realpe Carrillo, HEDERA – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).