e-MFP Summer 2017 Newsletter
Our Summer 2017 Newsletter is now out with: Great news on Luxembourg's continued support to e-MFP with the signature of a new agreement; Update on the response to call for applications for the €100,000 European Microfinance Award on Microfinance for Housing; Preparations for European Microfinance Week 2017; Offsite Sessions - our events in Paris & London; The Microfinance Industry: Revolution or Footnote? Lessons for the Next Ten Years - reflections form the recent workshop hoseted by Lehigh University"s Martindale Centre; 2nd edition of the MOOC on the Commercialisation of Microfinance; highlights from the 12th Annual SPTF Meeting and the 5th European Research Conference on Microfinance. All the latest news and activities from e-MFP and its members completes the edition.