24 Nov 2020
Many thanks to our media partners and the Luxembourg press for the excellent coverage of EMW 2020:
Digitizing Microfinance – Silver Lining of the Pandemic? (4 Dec)
Lessons, Tools for the Pandemic from Prior Microfinance Crises (4 Dec)
Lessons from Giving Away, Selling Microinsurance with Remittances (30 Nov)
Protecting Consumers, Tracking Business Cash Flows, Cutting Costs for Digital Microfinance (27 Nov)
Danone, Incofin, Water.org: WASH Sector is Already Investible (23 Nov)
Working with Central Banks to Extend Microfinance to Forcibly Displaced Persons (FDPs) (23 Nov)
Muktinath Bikas Bank of Nepal Wins $119k European Microfinance Award for Excellence in Savings (20 Nov)
e-MFP Publishes Taking Shelter: Housing Finance for the World’s Poor (19 Nov)
FinDev Gateway
How an Ethiopian MFI Has Kept Its Focus on Savings in the Face of Great Challenges (23 June 2021)
What the Pandemic Taught Us About Savings (14 April 2021)
One Year On: What a Year of Surveys Tell Us About COVID-19 and Microfinance (17 March 2021)
Portail FinDev
Promouvoir l'épargne par le biais de solutions digitales : l'exemple de RENACA-Bénin (13 May 2021)
Un an après : ce qu'une année d'enquêtes nous apprend sur la COVID-19 et la microfinance (23 March 2021)
Le COVID-19 catalyse la transformation digitale des Institutions de Microfinance (10 March 2021)
La crise du COVID-19 met à risque la finance agricole et rurale (17 Feb 2021)
Luxembourg Press
RTL Television: D'Mikrofinanz-Instituter weltwäit kréien d'Kris ze spieren (Microfinance institutions worldwide are experiencing the crisis) (22 Nov)
Wort: Kleiner Kredit, große Krise (18 Nov)
Delano: Making Inclusive Finance Accessible, Now More Than Ever (18 Nov)
Tageblatt: „Finanzielle Inklusion“ / Mikrofinanz in der Pandemie: „Viele Menschen riskieren in die Armut zurückzufallen“ (17 Nov)
Delano: Nepalese Savings Bank Gets Microfinance Award (20 Nov)
Paperjam: Muktinath, Prix européen de la microfinance 2020