9 Mar 2023
The most recent scores cover a total of 77 countries, with historical scores available for many more.
The Microfinance Index of Market Outreach and Saturation (MIMOSA), partnered by e-MFP, is an effort to fill an important gap in the sector by establishing a standard framework for measuring credit saturation. In doing so, it gives market participants – MFIs, investors, and regulators – a tool that can guide important planning decisions that avoid excessive saturation and over-indebtedness, while highlighting areas that remain underserved.
We are pleased to announce that the 2022 MIMOSA scores are now available! Based on the Findex survey published last year and drawing on the 20+ country reports published by MIMOSA to-date, this is a one-of-a-kind resource for understanding the level of credit penetration and overindebtedness risk in a large number of markets.
The most recent scores cover a total of 77 countries, with historical scores available for many more. They are available by subscription, with significant discounts for e-MFP members and ATLAS subscribers. Starting this year, MIMOSA will also be providing any commissioned country reports free of charge to institutions that purchase these scores.
See the subscription fee schedule here
See a sample file showing country scores here
Contact us about a subscription, contact@e-mfp.eu