22 Jun 2021
Five years after the implementation of the Green Index 2.0, as one of the preparation activities of the Green Index 3.0, the GICSF AG has launched a series of surveys and conducted interviews with different stakeholders in order to understand the needs related to environmental performance, and the relevance of the different indicators of the tool
Environmental performance assessment, what the sector says.
In 2021 the e-MFP Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group (GICSF-AG) will release the Green Index 3.0, the third version of the Green Index: a unique tool to assess, plan and monitor the environmental performance of Financial Services Providers (FSPs), developed since 2014 by the GICSF AG. The standards and essential practices of the Green Index 3.0 will also form part of the Environmental Performance dimension of the new Universal Standards for Social Performance Management (USSPM), thanks to the collaboration between the GICSF AG, SPTF and CERISE.
Five years after the implementation of the Green Index 2.0, as one of the preparation activities of the Green Index 3.0, the GICSF AG has launched a series of surveys and conducted interviews with different stakeholders in order to understand the needs related to environmental performance, and the relevance of the different indicators of the tool.
The study collected data on use, simplicity and relevance of standards and indicators. The webinar will bring to the sector an overview of the analysis conducted and the inputs received by 285 stakeholders: including 100 FSPs and 35 investors, 20 Researchers, 64 Consultants, 8 Networks, and other stakeholders, e.g. rating agency, IT providers.
In the webinar we will also illustrate how these inputs have be implemented to upgrade the Green Index to its third edition.
Davide Forcella, YAPU Solutions, Head of the GICSF AG, CERMi
Silvia Recupero, Consultant GICSF AG
Armande Mahabi Nabami, intern-student GICSF AG
- Register to the webinar -
Date: 24 June, 2021 - 2:30 pm CEST
More info on the webinar series by the e-MFP Green Inclusive & Climate Smart Action Group:
Series of webinars on topics related to green inclusive finance
Brief presentations by practitioners & academics
Opportunity for discussion and networking- Material and video available online
Everyone is welcome to contribute: please contact us if you are interested!
Natalia Realpe & Davide ForcellaHeads of the Action Group(natalia@hedera.online, davide.forcella@yahoo.it)