18 Apr 2023
Call for interest - host and organiser for the 8th edition of the ECRM2024 conference in 2024
The European Research Conference on Microfinance (ERCM) is the largest academic conference dedicated to microfinance and inclusive finance. It is a unique event gathering high-level researchers, students, and professionals from a large variety of countries, disciplines, and backgrounds. Since 2009, the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) and the Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi), in partnership with a broad group of European Universities, organise the conference every two years with the objective of encouraging academics and other inclusive finance sector stakeholders to meet and engage in relevant debates and collaborations, and to ensure that the latest research is disseminated to the whole microfinance and inclusive finance community.
Previous editions:
2-4 June 2009, hosted by CERMi at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium
16-18 June 2011, hosted by the Groningen University, Groningen, the Netherlands
10-12 June 2013, hosted by the Norwegian Centre for Microfinance Research at the University of Agder, Agder, Norway
1-3 June 2015, hosted by the Geneva Finance Research Institute at the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
12-14 June 2017, hosted by the Porstmouth Business School at the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
3-5 June 2019, hosted by the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Montpellier Business School and the Paris Dauphine Université at the Paris Dauphine Université, Paris, France
20-22 June 2022, hosted by the Yunus Centre for Social Business & Health at the Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland
Each ERCM edition has been broad in its scope, translating the diversity of models and contexts in the inclusive finance sector, as well as its evolution associated with the utilisation of new technologies and the need to address crises such as the impact of climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic. The conferences have focused on specific topics and embraced a diversity of subjects and disciplines through different session formats - plenaries, roundtables and parallel sessions plus the all-important networking and social events. Particular attention has also been given to students and young researchers. In this regard, e-MFP, with the support of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, has launched in 2017 the first edition of the Best Graduate Research Paper Award.
8th European Research Conference on Microfinance
e-MFP is launching this call for interest to host the 8th edition of the conference. Interested organisations should submit a brief proposal (no more than 3 pages) containing the following information:
Name of the organisation and department, if applicable
Person(s) responsible for organising the conference (name, position and contact details)
Motivation to host the conference
Proposed dates
Suggested key topics, including any special topics or speakers.
Estimated costs for the conference, specifying what will be covered by the organiser and what needs to be covered by external sponsors (if any).
The conference has traditionally taken place in person. Proposals should privilege an in-person set up, but due to the increased uncertainty regarding traveling especially for those coming from outside Europe and requiring a VISA to attend the conference, complementary formats (e.g. having remote speakers) will also be welcome. Note also that, while all editions have taken place in June, other dates can be considered if justified.
The winner applicant will receive €20,000 from the European Microfinance Platform to financially support the organisation. To receive this support, the host university needs to be/become a member of e-MFP. Additional information on the application can be found here .
The deadline to submit the proposal is 31 May 2023. It should be sent by email to contact@e-mfp.eu.
Shortlisted candidates can be asked to submit additional information. Further details will then be provided.
If there are any questions regarding the application process, please contact Joana Afonso jafonso@e-mfp.eu.