17 Jul 2024
New learning and collaborative initiative in GLI
Following the growing interest of e-MFP members and the broad community of impact investors in integrating a gender lens approach in their operations and encouraging it among their partners, e-MFP is pleased to announce the formalization of a new Action Group on Gender Lens Investing (GLI).
There is a business case for GLI, and solutions to the main challenges investors and FSPs encounter in their path to gender equity being tested and implemented. The new e-MFP GLI Action Group will facilitate a learning and collaborative space to identify best practices, advance GLI and collectively improve impact management and measurement systems to ensure they are inclusive and gender balanced. This work will complement other initiatives in the inclusive finance sector (notably, FinEquity managed by CGAP) and the broader sustainable finance sector (2XGlobal, among others).
The GLI Action Group is led by Juana Ramirez (independent consultant) and Francesca Randazzo (LuxDev) and as a first step, the AG will map the expertise of e-MFP members and their partners active in gender finance to identify frameworks, tools and relevant resources, as well as needs and challenges to address in future projects.
In the process of setting up of the GLI Action Group, e-MFP co-organized with FinEquity a webinar on 15 May 2024 on how to operationalise Gender Lens Investment (GLI) approaches in inclusive finance.
Please read the blog ‘Breaking Barriers: Harnessing Gender Lens Investments for Sustainable Impact and Inclusive Finance’ which summarizes the key messages of the webinar, and access the webinar recording here.
Want to learn more about the e-MFP GLI action Group?
Contact Joana Afonso, jafonso@e-mfp.eu