Author: Isabelle Katthagen and Elisabeth Niendorf - ADG
In September 2021, e-MFP published the results of a survey that mapped ‘Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices in the Microfinance Sector’ and highlighted opportunities for acting on those results. This was followed by a series of blogs presenting thematic case studies which explore the actions that some survey participants have taken to address each area and introduce practical tools that might guide practitioners in putting new HR practices into practice. This is the fifth and final blog in the series. Along with the previous blog that presents a framework to support managers in their HRD role, this blog outlines how MFIs can lift-up their HR function to a new level and thereby actively contribute to their organization’s success.


Author: Cheryl Frankiewicz
In September of this year, e-MFP published the results of a survey that mapped 'Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices in the Microfinance Sector' and highlighted opportunities for acting on those results. This blog is the fourth in a series of thematic case studies which explore the actions that some survey participants have taken to address each area. As noted in the first and third blogs of this series, managers play a critical role in HR development. They establish expectations, identify needs, facilitate learning, nurture individual potential, and coordinate teamwork. They are expected to model preferred behaviors, motivate performance, and ensure discipline.


Author: Cheryl Frankiewicz
In September of this year, e-MFP published the results of a survey that mapped 'Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices in the Microfinance Sector' and highlighted opportunities for acting on those results. This is the second part of the third blog in a series of thematic case studies which explore the actions that some survey participants have taken to address each area. The case study MFIs are using a variety of methods to better understand and influence employee engagement. Among these are climate and satisfaction surveys, focus groups, polls, complaint and suggestion systems, Q&A sessions with the CEO, informal conversations, and personal observation. The mechanisms used to gather the feedback don’t seem to matter as much as the flow of communication itself. Get feedback, and get it often.


Author: Cheryl Frankiewicz
In September of this year, e-MFP published the results of a survey that mapped Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices in the Microfinance Sector and highlighted opportunities for acting on those results. This is the first part of the third blog in a series of thematic case studies which explore the actions that some survey participants have taken to address each area. All but one of the case study institutions in this series conduct interviews with employees when they leave the organization. The insights gathered during these interviews have helped the MFIs understand what can be improved, but they haven’t shed much light on what MFIs are doing right. Why do people engage and stay engaged? In the words of Salome Kvakhadze, Head of Talent Development and Management at Crystal in Georgia, “We need to find out what motivates them BEFORE they leave. We want to be more proactive.”


Author: Cheryl Frankiewicz
In September of this year, the European Microfinance Platform published the results of a survey that mapped Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices in the Microfinance Sector and highlighted opportunities for acting on those results. This blog is the second in a series of thematic case studies which explore the actions that some survey participants have taken to address each area. Not long ago, when an MFI was asked how it evaluates the cost-effectiveness of its HR investments, there was a pretty good chance that it would reply by describing its process for assessing participant satisfaction with its training courses. Much has changed in the last few years. There is greater awareness of the multiple channels through which capacity can be built. There is increasing desire to compare the costs and benefits of different options. And there’s more understanding of the range of investments that can support effective talent management – from recruitment tools to retention systems. There is so much more measurement that could be done, but what do MFIs find worthwhile? What are they actually measuring – and how are they measuring it?


Author: Cheryl Frankiewicz
In September of this year, e-MFP published the results of a survey that mapped Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices in the Microfinance Sector and highlighted opportunities for acting on those results. This blog is the first in a series of thematic case studies which explore the actions that some survey participants have taken to address each area. The profiled institutions were selected based on the quality of their HR practices and their willingness to share experiences. We are extremely grateful for their time and effort to contribute to this important research. The first opportunity for action identified in the e-MFP HR Action Group paper was the importance of alignment between human resource development (HRD) and business strategy. What does this mean? That the HR department should not be just thought of as a support and administrative department but an important player in defining and implementing the institution’s business strategy.