Author: Arvind Ashta - Saleh Khan - Philipp Otto
Our paper on suicides and microfinance, researched in 2011, was recently published in Strategic Change (Ashta, Khan, & Otto, 2015). It is worthwhile to establish clearly what we found, what we learned, and distinguish this from what we didn't find, and to reiterate clearly our policy recommendations for MFIs and regulators.


Author: e-MFP
Since it was published a few weeks ago, the 2014 Global Findex financial inclusion report has made a splash in media around the world. The headlines may have differed, but the articles all mention the key finding from the press release published by the World Bank: Massive Drop in Number of Unbanked. According to the Findex survey, which covered more than 150,000 people in 143 economies, the number of people with financial access grew from 51 percent to 62 percent between 2011 and 2014, a shift that reportedly represents a total of 700 million people worldwide